How to Keep Ranking in Google in 2019

How to Keep Ranking in Google in 2019

Google has undergone quite a few changes in its algorithm since the early 2000’s when it started. And all these shifts have accounted for enormous changes in how content marketing and the search engine optimization work on. There often arises a question as to how can you keep the ranking ahead in Google amidst all these changes and updates.

the secret to the rankings is kept lip tight by Google, there are a series of steps that we can follow to make sure we are on the right page when it comes to Google rankings. Just follow it to the tee and then whatever changes may come forth in Google algorithm; you’ll be on the happier side always.

Here are a few factors essential to keeping the ranking in Google in 2019. 

1) Content (High-Quality Content)

Google has always kept its algorithm a top-secret and the most that they give into is that ‘write good content’. It’s not rocket science that Google only rewards the best content and the informative ones and their algorithm are also diverted towards the same path.

They rely quite on the machine learning where the analysis and looking for the semantic value of the content is quite high. That way whichever content looks to add more value to the consumer will be awarded the best ranking. Look to add long from articles, search indent and other factors into play. 

2) Top-notch on-page optimization

If there’s one thing that improves the rankings apart from the high-quality content then it’s the on-page optimization. A crucial part of ranking higher into the Google algorithm, an on-page optimization works around in favor of the user always. Try to do very well in title tags, Meta descriptions, headlines, schema, voice optimized SEO and others for better results. 

3) Secure Website is a must

Who would have thought that just a mere secure website allows for so much? Just changing your HTTP to HTTPS can have an amicable impact on your website. Google has started labeling the websites with HTTP factors as the not secure website from 2017 and that severely impacts the rankings.

Having an HTTPS protection will allow you an authentication, encryption for your website, data integrity and much more. An HTTPS website will keep the bounce rate to minimal and keep the users hooked to your website. 

4) A mobile-friendly website

Long gone are those days where you could just think about only the desktop-friendly websites. The world is moving towards the new era of mobility and with this, there is a sudden increase in the users from mobile. These days mobile browsing is a major pull for any brand and website and if you want to grow your ranking and be known off as the better one you need to have a proactive mobile-friendly website. Look to add mobile-optimized content, line up the animations with the mobile-friendly version and so on. That way you can get the best of the bunch for both your desktop and mobile browsers.

Keeping your rank higher on the Google rankings doesn’t require rocket science nor does it require you to have any lethargic process. A simple few tweaks and you’d be good to go.

So, want to keep your ranking intact or looking to elevate the same amidst the ever-changing algorithmic shifts and updates of Google?

Keep all your worries at bay as there is Expert Marketing Studio, a first-class digital marketing company in Delhi, who would keep you on the right side of things always ensuring that your business is never affected but in turn always in the good book of Google.

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