Trends which are setting a benchmark for the year 2019

Trends which are setting a benchmark for the year 2019

Gone are the days when you send a bulk of mailers to the audience for marketing, the method of marketing has evolved over the years. Marketing is more than just promoting a brand or a product, marketing also refers to connecting with the audience and engaging them with the brand.

2019 is the year where marketing is redefining into a new age of presenting a brand to the audience. These marketing methods are known as trends as it is setting a benchmark while marketing a product. Here are the top four trends which are being adope by various companies and MNCs across the globe as a part of marketing: 

Quality over quantity:

There was a time when companies used to print out thousands of pamphlets or place ads in the newspapers or used to send bulk mailers to the customers. But nowadays, with everything being available online, the new age of marketing has started where you can promote your product digitally.

It doesn’t matter how many pamphlets or ads you are investing in, what kind of content you are creating, how creative you are when it comes to attracting the customers and the quality of marketing matters. There are various digital marketing methods available through which you can ensure to provide quality content to your customers.


In the earlier days, marketing was all about explaining how the product works and how unique it is. Now marketing is about connecting with the audience, understanding things from their point of view and therefore when you are marketing a product you need to place it as if you are telling a story of a person and how the product changed their life. You need to connect with the audience emotionally to attract their attention and make them feel like they need this product. 

Hiring Influencer:

There are influencers across the globe who have their own set of followers and these followers are not necessarily from the same age group or geographical region. These influencers have a strong base on various social media platforms; therefore hiring them would be beneficial for your brand.

Hiring an influencer will give you access to a variety of market segments and will help you in reaching out to more than your target market. Hence you will be able to create awareness of the brand in the market. 

Utilizing technology:

Technology changes every day and it is true. Various tools and methods are introducing every day to increase the reach of marketing campaigns and product promotions. Artificial intelligence if being use while communication so that the customers can engage with the brand without any problem, similarly, chatbots are introducing to clear the queries post by the audience, therefore the customers won’t have to wait for long hours to get a reply. A chatbot will be able to solve the customer’s problems within minutes and will be able to connect with the operator in case of further queries.

Image of the product, branding of the spokesperson (chairman of the brand) and other methods are also known as trends when it comes to marketing. These trends along with the ones mentioned above will help in promoting your product in the best way possible. These four trends will make sure that you can reach out to a maximum number of people without restricting the global borders; you will be able to attract customers from difficult countries and hence creating a chance for expansion.

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